Peritoneal Dialysis

What is it?

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is administered at home and uses the lining of your abdomen to filter your blood inside your body. A soft catheter is placed in your abdomen and sends a cleansing solution from a fluid bag into the inner lining of your belly (your peritoneal membrane) where it sits for a few hours, absorbs the waste from your body and then carries it back out.

Is peritoneal dialysis right for me?

Your clinical team will help you determine what treatment option is best for you.


Here are some things to know about PD:

  • You administer your dialysis treatment at home and have more control over your care treatment schedule.
  • Treatments are done 4-5 times per day by hand for 30-40 minutes or overnight with a machine while sleeping.
  • Daily dialysis more closely mirrors your natural kidney function.
  • The dialysis catheter is placed in your abdomen or chest.
  • You have access to 24-hour nursing and technical support.
  • Patients attend training classes for 1-2 weeks at your local dialysis center.

The Trip of a Lifetime

Meet U.S. Renal Care patients, Deb & Angus, who traveled across the country by motorcycle while on PD.